
Events - processing of events

TODO: Expand the introduction

An event mechanism has been designed to make extending and overlapping of the CzechIdM core functionality within any module possible.

The event (EntityEvent) is published via EntityEventManager from different places in the application (⇒ hook). A number of processors can react to the event (AbstractEntityEventProcessor) in a defined order (number ⇒ the smaller it is, the sooner the processor is run). Processors run synchronously at default and in one transaction (see next section). Processors with the same order will be run in a random order (OrderComparator) - it's good practice to design and set different processor's order (think about it in design). Instead of the annotation @Order, the method getOrder needs to be overloaded (see the example). Event content could be any Serializable object, but AbstractDto descendant is preffered - see original source lifecycle feature. Event content is required, event without content couldn't exist.

  • event is created with given content <code java> EntityEvent<IdmIdentityDto> event = new IdentityEvent(IdentityEventType.UPDATE, updateIdentity); </code>
  • then is published via EntityEventManager <code java> EventContext<IdmIdentityDto> context = entityEventManager.process(event); </code>
  • when event is published and their content is descendant of AbstractDto, then original source is filled to the event - original source contains previously persisted (original) dto and could be used in "check modification" processors. If event creating new dto, then original source is null. Original source could be set externally - then no automatic filling occurs.
  • returning context contains results from all reacting processors in defined processors order.
  • the processor can label the event as (closed) or (suspended) and therefore skip all the other processors. If the suspended event is published again via EntityEventManager, the processing will continue where it was suspended, if context (with processed results) is preserved. If the processing of the event is (suspended), the called method should return the adequate accepted state.
  • when event walk through procesors, then event's processed order is incremented - this order is used after event suspending and run again - event proccessing will continue with processor with next order.

Supported events for individual entities:

  • IdmIdentityDto - operation with the identity
  • IdmRoleDto - operation with the role
  • IdmRoleCatalogueDto - operation with the role catalogue
  • IdmIdentityRoleDto- assigning a role to the user
  • IdmIdentityContractDto - labor-law relation
  • IdmRoleTreeNodeDto - automatic role
  • IdmContractGuaranteeDto - manually added guarantee to contract
  • IdmTreeNodeDto - tree structure node
  • IdmPasswordPolicyDto - password policy
  • IdmLongRunningTaskDto - long running task
  • AccAccountDto - Accounts on target system
  • SysSystemDto - System in ACC module
  • SysSystemMappingDto - Mapping between system in ACC and his mapping of provisioning or sync
  • SysSchemaAttributeDto - Connector schema on system in ACC module
  • SysProvisioningOperationDto - provisioning operation (ACC)
  • SysSyncConfigDto, SysSyncItemLogDto - synchronization in ACC module
  • VsRequestDto - Request for account change in virtual system (VS module)
  • RptReportDto - generate report

A page has been created directly in the application on the module page for an overview of all entity types and event types migrating through event processing. All the registered processors including the configuration are listed there:

The default order for listeners (- ⇒ before, + ⇒ after):

  • core: 0
  • provisioning: 1000

Event is published with content and specific event type (e.g. CREATE, PASSWORD). Processors can be register by content type and event type - e.g. process event with IdmIdentityDto content and event type CREATE ⇒ other event contents and other event types will not be processed by this processor.

Event types has to be compared by their string representation, NOT by instance. Concrete event types e.q. IdentityEventType are used for documentation reason only - which domain type supports which event. Event types can be added in different modules with different type, but processor can react across all module (⇒ is registered to string event type representation eventType.name()).

EntityEvent<IdmIdentityDto> event = new CoreEvent<IdmIdentityDto>(CoreEventType.CREATE, identity);
if (event.hasType(IdentityEventType.CREATE)) {
 // do something
  • EntityEvent - an event migrating through the processors. The content of the event can be BaseEntity, BaseDto or any serializable content.
  • EventContext - holds the context of the processed event - which processors it has been processed by, with what results, if the processing is suspended, closed, etc.
  • EventResult - the result of processing of the event by one processor.
  • EntityEventProcessor - event processor. Processor has to have unique identifier by module.
  • EntityEventManager - ensures publishing of the event to processors.
  • EventableDtoService - adds event processing support to service
  • AbstractEntityEvent - an abstract event migrating through the processors - when adding a proper one can be simply inherited from.
  • DefaultEventContext - the default context of the processed event - all abstract and default events and processors use it.
  • DefaultEventResult - The default event result processed by one processor - all abstract and default events and processors use it.
  • AbstractEntityEventProcessor - abstract event processor - when adding a proper one can be simply inherited from.
  • AbstractApprovableEventProcessor - the event processor will send the whole event with dto (or serializable) content to WF for approval. It is necessary to configure the definition of the WF where the event will be sent to.
  • DefaultEntityEventManager - ensures publishing of the events to processors.
  • AbstractEventableDtoService - adds default event processing support to service.

Use this super class, when creating new processor implementation (this class contains some boring parts).

Methods, which have to be implemented:

  • getName() - Unique (module scope) configurable object identifier. Its used in configuration key etc.
  • process(event) - the main processors method with business logic.
  • getOrder() - when will be processor processed. Processors are executed in defined order.

Methods, which could be implemented [optional]:

  • supports(event) - Returns true, when processor supports given event. Default implementation takes processor's template entity class and event type given in constructor (or configured by eventTypes property).
  • conditional(event) - Returns true, when processor supports given event. Returns true by default. Override this method for adding some condition.
  • isClosable() - Returns true, when processor could close event (only documentation purpose now). Returns false by default.

Transactional processing is controlled before the event publishing itself - the whole processing now takes place in a transaction and all processors run synchronously. In case of an error in any processor, the whole transaction is rolled back, which has some advantages:

  • simple adding of validation or referential integrity
  • repeating the whole chain

and disadvantages as well:

  • having to catch all the exceptions properly to avoid "breaking the chain"
  • saving logs and archives in the new transaction (Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW)
  • 0 - basic / core functionality - operation save, delete etc.
  • 100 - automatic roles computation.
  • 1000 - after save - e.g. sends notifications.
  • -1000 - before delete provisioning (before identity role is deleted).
  • Identity:
    • -2000 - validate password in acc module - checks all system password policies and idm default policy ⇒ all policies are evaluated in one request. If acc module is enabled, then core password validation processor can be disabled.
    • -1000 - validate password in core module - checks idm default policy.
    • 100 - persist password
  • Contract:
    • 100 - Automatic roles recount while identity contract is saved, updated or deleted / disabled.
  • LongRunningTask:
    • 100 - execute scheduled long running tasks, which depends on currently ended scheduled task.
  • Provisioning:
    • -5000 - check disabled system
    • -1000 - compute attributes for provisioning (read attribute values from target system)
    • -500 - check readonly system
    • 0 - execute provisioning (create / update / delete)
    • 1000 - execute after provisioning actions (e.g. sends notifications)
    • 5000 - archive processed provisioning operation.

Other orders can be found directly in application, see supported event types.

Processors can be configured through Configurable interface by standard application configuration.

## approve create automatic role
# wf definition 
## approve delete automatic role
# wf definition 
  • Check if defined fields on identity was changed. If yes, then send notification.
  • As default is used this system template identityMonitoredFieldsChanged.
  • Extended attributes is not supported now.
  • Order of processor is Integer.Max - 100. We want to send notification on end of chain (after identity is presisted or provisioning are completed).
# Identity changed monitored fields - Check if defined fields on identity was changed. If yes, then send notification.
# Default is disabled
# Monitored fields on change (for Identity, extended attributes are not supported)
idm.sec.core.processor.identity-monitored-fields-processor.monitoredFields=firstName, lastName
# Notification will be send to all identities with this role
  • Name of processor "role-request-approval-processor".
  • This process ensures the approval of the request for change premissions.
# Default is enabled
# Workflow process for change permissions (as default is "approve-identity-change-permissions")
  • The approving task will be assigned to all users with role Helpdesk.
# The role can be changed in the application configuration "idm.sec.core.wf.approval.helpdesk.role", the default setting is Helpdesk.
# Default is disabled
  • The approving task will be assigned to all users evaluated as the managers of the applicant. The manager is defined based on the industrial relations of the applicant.
# Default is disabled
  • The approving task will be assigned to all users with role Usermanager.
# The role can be changed in the application configuration "idm.sec.core.wf.approval.usermanager.role", the default setting is Usermanager.
# Default is disabled
## HR process - enable identity's contract process. The processes is started
## for contracts that are both valid (meaning validFrom and validTill and disabled state) and
## not excluded.
# wf definition 
## HR process - end or delete of identity's contract process. The processes is started
## for contracts that are not valid (meaning validFrom and validTill or disabled by state) and deleted. 
## If the processed contract was the last valid contract of the identity, the identity is disabled.
## Additionally all added roles, which were assigned to the ended contract, are removed by the process.
# wf definition 
## HR process - identity's contract exclusion. The processes is started for
## contracts that are both valid (meaning validFrom and validTill) and excluded.
## If the processed contract was the last valid contract of the identity, the identity is disabled.
# wf definition 
  • Provisioning after manually add, update or remove guarantee is controlled by these two processors: ContractGuaranteeSaveProvisioningProcessor and ContractGuaranteeDeleteProvisioningProcessor. Provisioning for update or create is done after success save entity, but provisioning for delete is done before delete entity. Both processors are enabled by default.
## Provisioning identity after add or update IdmContractGuaranteeDto
## Provisioning identity before IdmContractGuaranteeDto will be removed

When some long running task ends, then END event is fired. This processor persists task's state.

When some long running task ends, then END event is fired. This processor executes scheduled long running tasks, which depends on currently ended scheduled task.

Processes GENERATE event type with RptReportDto content, order -1000. Generates output data for report by long running task.

## Enable / disable

Processes GENERATE event type with RptReportDto content, order 0. Saves generated report metadata (binary data are stored as attachment).

## Enable / disable

Processes GENERATE event type with RptReportDto content, order 1000. Sends notification after report is generated to report creator.

## Enable / disable

Processes UPDATE event type with IdmIdentityDto content, order 200. When identity starts to be valid and has at least one account on target system, then new password is generated and changed on all identity's accounts ⇒ identity ha the same password in all accounts. Notification is send (see acc:newPasswordAllSystems template) to identity about new password on which accounts.

Identity is starting, when their state is changed from CREATED, NO_CONTRACT, FUTURE_CONTRACT to the VALID state.

## Enable / disable

If I want to get myself hooked after deleting the identity, I should implement a processor to the event type IdentityEventType.DELETE with an order number higher than 0:

@Description("Log after identity is deleted")
public class LogIdentityDeleteProcessor extends AbstractIdentityProcessor {
	 * Processor's identifier - has to be unique by module
	public static final String PROCESSOR_NAME = "log-identity-delete-processor";
	private static final org.slf4j.Logger LOG = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
	public LogIdentityDeleteProcessor() {
		// processing identity DELETE event only
	public String getName() {
		// processor's identifier - has to be unique by module
	public EventResult<IdmIdentityDto> process(EntityEvent<IdmIdentityDto> event) {
		// event content - identity
		IdmIdentityDto deletedIdentity = event.getContent();
		// log
		LOG.info("Identity [{},{}] was deleted.", deletedIdentity.getUsername(), deletedIdentity.getId());
		// result
		return new DefaultEventResult<>(event, this);
	public int getOrder() {
		// right after identity delete
		return CoreEvent.DEFAULT_ORDER + 1;