
If you have system on that you want to control some provisioning operation (create, update, delete) is provisioning break right choice. With provisioning break you have control how much operation for specific operation is done and is also possible set warning or disable limit for each operation. After exceeded limit (warning or disable) will be notified all recipient for specific provisioning break configuration.

Is also possible to create global provisioning break configuration. This configurations will be applied to all system. Global configuration is specific for provisioning operation (create, update, delete). More about provisioning break you can find here.

Now it is possible to execute separate synchronization of identity relationships. Contractual relationship define the link between the identity and the tree structure. In the application, we advance the logic according to which every identity has at least one contractual relationship. Typically one contractual relationship is equals to one contract in company for the identity. More about sync contractual relationships you can find here.

It's possible to send additional attributes to provisioning, when password is changed (e.g. password expiration in extended attribute). New flag 'sendOnPasswordChange' was added to system attribute mapping - attribute with this flag checked will be send together with changed password to provisioning. Two ways for provisioning additional attributes are implemented:

  • Send additional attributes together with new password in one provisioning operation.
  • Send additional attributes after password is changed in another provisioning operation.

More about additional attributes you can find here.

State on the contractual relationship can be:

  • Disabled - contract is invalid
  • Excluded - contract is excluded but remains valid (if contract is valid by validFrom and validTill attributes). Roles assigned for this contract are not removed - accounts on target systems remains untouch.

When contractual relationship validity ends, then all roles assigned to given contractual relationship is removed. Its not possible to assign roles to invalid contracts.

More about contractual relationship you can find here.

Trigger task, when other dependent task successfully ended. More about scheduled task you can find here.


  • #782: Provisioning break frontend minor issues are fixed.
  • Long running tasks for HR processes were restored for higher flexibility.


  • #793: The system cannot be deleted (without connector)
  • #798: Multiprovisioning after commit - old UID
  • #797: Permission for SysSystem (entity type) cannot be set