

The system in CzechIdM defines the behavior towards the connected end system.

The system allows:

  • Define configuration and connection end system (via connector).
  • Create / Generate a scheme of end system.
  • Create mapping for provisioning and sync .
  • Create mapping attributes. These allow you to define the behavior of the attributes (and their values) towards the end system and towards the IDM.
  • Create and start synchronization configurations.
  • Manage queue and archive provisioning .

The system in CzechIdM can be duplicated. The duplicate contains all the system configuration:

  • Configuration of the system connection, including secret values.
  • System scheme.
  • Mapping system.
  • Mapped attributes.
  • Synchronization configuration.
The system name must be unique, so a unique name is generated when duplicating. For example, if you duplicate a system named LDAP, then the resulting system will be Copy-of-LDAP. If this system already exists, then the number postfix will be added (Copy-of-LDAP1) and etc.
A newly created duplicate is always set as an inactive system. Likewise, all possible sync settings are set to inactive too.