to the new entity,AbstractFormableService
for the new entity,AbstractFormValue
, which will represent the values of extended attributes for the new entity (owner),AbstractFormValueRepository
for the values of the extended attributes,AbstractFormValueService
for the values of the extended attributes.IdmIdentityController
- controller has to evaluate security to read / save form values by their owner (e.g. by identity),FormableEntityManager
- e.g. IdentityManager
for filling in and sending the values of the extended attributes from the FE to the BE - e.g. IdentityEav
content.On the FE, there is an agenda of forms - their definition and attributes. Each definition can contain zero or more attributes. To maintain the integrity, an interface UnmodifiableEntity has been created, which allows adding a flag that the entity has been created by the system and cannot be modified (or some of its attributes) and deleted (this logic now needs to be implemented manually into the relevant controllers), for example in IdmFormAttributeController.
or confidential
is changed is not supported now.
or kebab-case
on frontend).
Example form code eu.bcvsolutions.idm.acc.entity.SysSystem will be transformed into eu-bcvsolutions-idm-acc-entity-syssystem
Read more in tutorial
Value has to match given regular expression (java pattern is used).
persistent types.
Custom validation message. If message is not defined, then default message by invalid validation type will be shown.
). Parameters min
, max
, regex
, unique
, required
is available for localization message.
for creating and providing code lists and items through application on backend (e.g. available for scripts, which could be used in provisioning).
and CodeListValue
for rendering code lists on frontend.
will be localized.
Identity form values can be secured by authorization policies when some identity extended attributes have to be secured - see how in configure authorization policies.