Powershell connector can be used to connect various types of MS Windows based systems such as MS Exchange.
Powershell connector calls powershell command and passes mapped attributes to it. There are four different ways of passing an argument to powershell script and they all correspond with possible configuration values below.
These parameters contain path to scripts (on client machine) which will be executed when corresponding operation is invoked. Make sure that the script files are accessible.
If true, then scripts, once read from drive, will be kept in memory for later reuse.
Username used for authentication.
If true, then connector will not check certificate validity.
Only CSV is supported at the moment.
Specifies type of authentication to use. Possible values are:
Uri contains information about protocol, port and hostname. Common URIs are
Name of AD domain. It is used for authentication purposes.
This is used for encoding multivalued parameters as arguments. Possible values are:
In order to use Powershell commands such as New-Mailbox, you need to add Exchange snapIn. Example powershell create script can be seen bellow.
param([string]$__UID__ = "", [string]$__NAME__ = "",[string]$SamAccountName = "", [string]$name = "", [string]$UserPrincipalName = "", [string]$__PASSWORD__) Try{ Add-PSSnapIn -Name Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.SnapIn $secure_password = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $__PASSWORD__ -AsPlainText -Force New-Mailbox ` -SamAccountName $SamAccountName ` -Name $name ` -UserPrincipalName $UserPrincipalName ` -Password $secure_password ` -Confirm:$false ` -ErrorAction Stop | out-null -outvariable $mailbox Write-Host "__UID__,__NAME__" Write-Host "$SamAccountName,$SamAccountName" } Catch { Write-Host "__ERROR__" Write-Host "$_.Exception.Message" }