Table of Contents

Dynamic forms (eav)

Dynamic forms are used for:

Dynamic forms are supported for selected entities:

Dynamic form instances (values) are saved in the individual tables according to the entity which they are linked to ⇒ which is their owner (e.g. the entity IdmIdentityFormValue, IdmRoleFormValue). Form values are not saved, if null value (by persistent type) is given ⇒ filled values are saved only.

FormService service for working with the extended attributes on the back-end. FormInstance utility is useful on BE - contains value transformation to maps by attributes etc..
On the front-end, the editing of dynamic forms is done by the component EavForm.

Dynamic form attribute supports data types (persistentType):

with properties:

Dynamic form attribute can be rendered differently on frontend. Face type (faceType) property is used for choosing frontend renderer. Default renderer is chosen by persistent type (e.g. UUID → UUID).

Renderer is frontend component, superclass component AbstractFormAttributeRenderer is used for all renderer implementations. Renderer is responsible for IdmFormValue ⇔ input value transformation.

Renderers are registered in module's component-descriptor.js as single component with attributes:

All component descriptor features are supported. Read tutorial, how to create custom form attribute renderer.

Adding the support of extended attributes for a new entity



Agenda for working with forms

On the FE, there is an agenda of forms - their definition and attributes. Each definition can contain zero or more attributes. To maintain the integrity, an interface UnmodifiableEntity has been created, which allows adding a flag that the entity has been created by the system and cannot be modified (or some of its attributes) and deleted (this logic now needs to be implemented manually into the relevant controllers), for example in IdmFormAttributeController.

It is necessary to be cautious when editing individual form attributes as the logic linked to this form can be rendered non-functional.

Data migration, when attribute's persistentType or confidential is changed is not supported now.

Common forms

Common forms is used for saving internal dynamic forms for: - report filters - long running task properties (comming soon) - authorization policiy properties (comming soon)

Form has to have form definition and owner, which can be an entity implementing FormableEntity interface. One owner can have more forms. When owner is deleted, then all forms have to be deleted to - override owner's service delete method properly. Form can be shared between owners - e.g. report filter can be used as input (properties) for long running task - this is the main reason, why common forms exists, don't use this common forms for storing extended attributes mentioned above (e.g. they will not be shown on frontend).


For form attributes is possible add localization into cs.json and en.json for each module.

Beware, form type, form code and attribute code is used for compose key for localization and in the string will by replaced all special characters (white spaces, dots, colons etc.) by dash (spinal-case or kebab-case on frontend).
New tab on form definition detail can be used for creating localization.

Example form code eu.bcvsolutions.idm.acc.entity.SysSystem will be transformed into eu-bcvsolutions-idm-acc-entity-syssystem

Read more in tutorial

Authorization policies support

Identity form values can be secured by authorization policies - see how to configure authorization policies, when some identity extended attributes have to be secured.

Only identity extended attribute values support authorization policies. Support for other entities can be added in future.

Future development