Table of Contents

Virtual Systems [vs]

What is a virtual system

A virtual system is not directly connected for online management. The virtual system is basically only a registration mode, where for each system change is generated the implementation request (notification) that is assigned to the particular administrator. This administrator must provide that the change is made to the target system. In other words, IdM "knows" what the user should have on the system for accounts and permissions, but on the real system this is executed by the implementer (administrator). The reason may be the need to manage a large number of systems without the need for demanding integration.

How to create a virtual system

It displays a dialog to create a new virtual system.

You can fill:

Beware: Users/roles have to have permission 'Requests on virtual systems (VsRequest)' to receive these requests.

In the detail of the new virtual system, the system schema, mapping and attributes are configured by default

Create a new role

We have created the new virtual system. Now we will assign the system to some users. For this we create a new role and create the mapping for our new virtual system.

Create the mapping on the virtual system

Create a new user

We will create a new user and assign him our role, so he will be provisioned to our new virtual system.


Implementers received a new task to create the new account 'john.doe' on the virtual system 'NewVirtualSystem'. You can check the request. In the left main menu, select 'Virtual systems / Requests'. There are two tabs 'Unresolved requests' and 'Archive'. In 'Unresolved requests' there is a list of all tasks, which yet will be resolved.

If you did previous tutorial, you have here this request. You can go to the detail of the request with UID 'john.doe' and the system 'NewVirtualSystem' (click on the button with "magnifying glass"). And you can now see the detail of the request for creating new account.

There are three specific groups of information:

If we do not resolve the create request and edit our user 'john.doe', e.g. change user's surname to Doe. A new update request is in 'Unresolved requests'. Click on the detail of the update request.

When we finally resolve our two requests, they are moved to the tab 'Archive'.

Operation with the request

Implement request

Cancel request



After the request for updating virtual system is created, the notification is sent to all implementers.

As default was implemented email notification 'vs:vsRequestCreated' for new virtual system requests. This notification is by default automatically connected to this topic. Template for this notification can be modified in left main menu 'Notifications / Templates'.

Email template provides similar information as the request detail (described above). For example, 'Target table' is constructed from same data as the table on the request detail. See below for examples of notification emails that are sent during the process described in its basic live cycle (creating and modifying the account 'john.doe') and notification, which displays the change of a multivalue attribute.

Email notification for create new account 'john.doe':

Email notification for modifying the account 'john.doe':

Email notification for modifying the multivalue attribute 'ldapGroups' for the account 'john.doe'.

New values 'E,F' were added to the attribute and the values 'C,B' were removed:

Deleting a virtual system

Before the system is deleted in ACC module, it's necessary to call VS module and ensure the deletion of connected entities (on the deleted system).

Sequence of executing operations in delete system processor in VS module:

  1. Check existing unresolved VS requests - If an unresolved vs request exists, then it isn't possible to delete system (it throws an exception).
  2. Delete all archived VS requests for the system.
  3. Delete all VS accounts for connector key from the system.
  4. Delete VS account form definition for the system.
  5. Delete all VS system implementers for the system.