Table of Contents

Dynamic forms (eav)

TODO: Introduction

They are used for defining and saving the extended attributes of selected entities:

Extended attributes are saved in the individual tables according to the entity which they are linked to ⇒ which is their owner (e.g. the entity SysSystemFormValue').

FormService serves for working with the extended attributes on the back-end.

On the front-end, the editing of dynamic forms is done by the component EavForm.

Dynamic forms support these data types with properties:

Adding the support of extended attributes for a new entity

So far, the agenda for managing form definitions has not been implemented, therefore the procedure will be changed (and possibly simplified with regard to usage from the FE, which is now linked to a predefined form definition).

Agenda for working with forms

On the FE, there is not an agenda of forms - their definition and attributes. Each definition can contain zero or more attributes. To maintain the integrity, an interface UnmodifiableEntity has been created, which allows adding a flag that the entity has been created by the system and cannot be modified (or some of its attributes) and deleted (this logic now needs to be implemented manually into the relevant controllers), for example in IdmFormAttributeController.

It is necessary to be cautious when editing individual form attributes as the logic linked to this form can be rendered non-functional

Future development