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Modules - Implemented reports [reports]

The main purpose of reports is to create a snapshot of current data in IdM which can then be downloaded as a CSV or XLSX file. This is often useful for audits or other cases when an overview of a large amount of data in IdM is needed. The reports module gives the basic rpt module true power because it contains implemented reports for many use-cases. The module evolves often since new reports are added on a regular basis.

 [reports] and [rpt] modules

The module is fully dependent on the reports [rpt] module and only contains implemented reports, not the logic of creating reports in general.

Overview of implemented reports

Identities and their roles

This report allows you to export the list of identities together with their assigned roles. Learn more

Identities, their roles and contract

This report is similar to the one above but contains more information. The generated XLSX file has a clear separation between attributes of identity, contract, and role. Learn more

Roles and their identities

This report allows you to export the list of roles and their holders. Learn more

Identities, their main contract and their roles

This report allows you to export the list of identities (with information about their contracts, incl. one contract EAV) together with their assigned roles (and values of role attributes). Learn more

Identities and their assigned roles changes

This report allows you to export all changes in assigned roles for users in a given time period. You can use filter to only show changes caused by automatic roles (both by position and attribute). Learn more

Identities and their password changes on a system

This report allows you to export all password changes in end systems. You can filter by system, time period, and success of the change. Learn more

Identities and their system account (state) changes

This report allows you to export all account changes in end systems of the type CREATE, DELETE and ENABLE. You can filter by system, time period, type of operation,and success of the change. Learn more

Virtual system archived request report

This report allows you to export all archived (realized or rejected) requests on virtual systems. You can filter by time period. Learn more

Identity complex report

This report allows you to export complex information about users, their contract and their identity form values (EAVs). Learn more

Complex report of identities, their roles and contracts attributes

This report allows you to export complex information about users, their contract and their assigned roles. Learn more

SQL Universal report

This report allows you to export complex information based on table/view name or custom SQL query. Learn more

Account attribute changes report

This report displays changes provisioned to specified systems Learn more

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