Microsoft Teams Graph API Connector

This connector is developed for managing Microsoft Teams membership via MS Graph API You can follow this project on GitHub

This connector is using Microsoft Teams Graph API for communication. For more information about the API capabilities see

Supported operations for USER

Supported operations for TEAMS

Assigning/removing to teams is done via UUID + role name.

Most permission are assigned to the Application(See Configuration section below for more info about App). Because application cannot add guest to team there has to be user that can. For complete info about permissions check official API documentation, where each endpoind has section with required permissions.


If you change some configuration you need to perform Test operation so the new config will load into connector and new grapClient instance is created.

If you want secret with longer expiration then 2 years use this powershell.

$startDate = Get-Date
$endDate = $startDate.AddYears(10)
$Credential = Get-Credential
Connect-AzureAD -Credential $Credential
$aadAppsecret01 = New-AzureADApplicationPasswordCredential -ObjectId "Object ID na overwiew apliakce" -CustomKeyIdentifier "idm-key" -StartDate $startDate -EndDate $endDate
Write-Host $aadAppsecret01

You will see something like this in console. Use the value from field "Value:"

class PasswordCredential {
  CustomKeyIdentifier: System.Byte[]
  EndDate: 06.05.2031 7:38:47
  StartDate: 06.05.2021 7:38:47

Connector will generate default schema for object class ACCOUNT with two attributes 'Name' and 'memberOf'

Connector will generate default schema for object class GROUP three attributes 'Name', 'displayName' and 'description'