Table of Contents

Init application and data

@since 10.5.0

Application init data are checked and created (updated), when application is started. Init data contains product provided roles, form definitions, value generators, password policies, codelist, scheduled task etc. to cover basic CzechIdM usage right after application is instaled or updated.

Application initialization and init data is created by registered processors. Init data is created, when application starts.

Product provided processors:

Module Processor identifier Description Order Disableable
acc acc-init-synchronization-processor Cancel synchronizations after server is restarted. -10010 no
core core-init-long-running-task-processor Cancels all previously ran tasks etc. (tasks run, before server was restarted). -10000 no
core core-init-script-processor Init scripts from classpath (file system). -5200 no
core core-init-notification-processor Init notification templates from classpath (file system) and notification configuration from module descriptors. -5100 no
ic ic-init-data-processor Initialize ic module - connector logging. -5000 no
core core-init-codelist-processor Init base codelists (environment). -300 no
core core-init-form-definition-processor Init default extended form definitions for formable types (identity, role, contract, tree node). -200 no
core core-init-generator-processor Init value generators for set default values of extended form attributes (for identity, role request concepts and assigned role attributes). -100 no
core core-init-role-catalogue-processor Init product provided role catalogue item 'CzechIdM Roles'. This item will contain all product provided roles (by person). Catalogue item is created, when no other catalogue item exists.If this processor is disabled, then catalogue item will not be created and product provided roles will be created without catalogue relation. -50 yes
core core-init-admin-role-processor Init administrator role (by configuration 'idm.sec.core.role.admin'). Role is created, when no other role exists (⇒ is the first role in application). Role will not be created, when is deleted and any other role exists. Role will not be created, when configuration property is empty (defined, but empty string is given). Role is created with 'SYSTEM' role type - type is checked, when role authorities are created (or updated). 0 no
core core-init-read-only-admin-role-processor Init read only admin role for core module (by configuration 'idm.sec.core.role.readOnlyAdmin'). Role is created, when not exist. Role will not be created, when configuration property is empty (defined, but empty string is given). Role is created with 'SYSTEM' role type - type is checked, when role authorities are created (or updated). Role is placed into role catalogue 'CzechIdM Roles' item, if item is defined. Available from IdM 13.0.14. 5 yes
core core-init-user-role-processor Init user role for core module (by configuration 'idm.sec.core.role.default'). Role is created, when not exist. Role will not be created, when configuration property is empty (defined, but empty string is given). Role is created with 'SYSTEM' role type - type is checked, when role authorities are created (or updated). Role is placed into role catalogue 'CzechIdM Roles' item, if item is defined. 10 yes
acc acc-init-user-role-processor Init user role for acc module (by configuration 'idm.sec.core.role.default') - adds authorization policies for acc module 15 yes
vs vs-init-implementer-role-processor Init implementer role for vs module (by configuration 'idm.sec.vs.role.implementer').Role is created, when not exist. Role will not be created, when configuration property is empty (defined, but empty string is given). Role is created with 'SYSTEM' role type - type is checked, when role authorities are created (or updated).Role is placed into role catalogue 'CzechIdM Roles' item, if item is defined. 20 yes
core core-init-helpdesk-role-processor Init helpdesk role for core module (by configuration 'idm.sec.core.role.helpdesk'). Role is created, when not exist. Role will not be created, when configuration property is empty (defined, but empty string is given). Role is created with 'SYSTEM' role type - type is checked, when role authorities are created (or updated).Role is placed into role catalogue 'CzechIdM Roles' item, if item is defined. 30 yes
acc acc-init-helpdesk-role-processor Init helpdesk role for acc module (by configuration 'idm.sec.core.role.helpdesk') - adds authorization policies for acc module. 35 yes
core core-init-role-manager-role-processor Init role manager role for core module (by configuration 'idm.sec.core.role.roleManager'). Role is created, when not exist. Role will not be created, when configuration property is empty (defined, but empty string is given). Role is created with 'SYSTEM' role type - type is checked, when role authorities are created (or updated).Role is placed into role catalogue 'CzechIdM Roles' item, if item is defined. 40 yes
acc acc-init-role-manager-role-processor Init role manager role for acc module (by configuration 'idm.sec.core.role.roleManager') - adds authorization policies for acc module. 45 yes
core core-init-user-manager-role-processor Init user manager role for core module (by configuration 'idm.sec.core.role.userManager'). Role is created, when not exist. Role will not be created, when configuration property is empty (defined, but empty string is given). Role is created with 'SYSTEM' role type - type is checked, when role authorities are created (or updated).Role is placed into role catalogue 'CzechIdM Roles' item, if item is defined. 50 yes
core core-init-delegation-role-processor Init role with permissions for a delegations. Role is created, when not exist. Role will not be created, when configuration property is empty (defined, but empty string is given). Role is created with 'SYSTEM' role type - type is checked, when role authorities are created (or updated). Role is placed into role catalogue 'CzechIdM Roles' item, if item is defined. 60 yes
core core-init-admin-identity-processor Init administrator identity with 'admin' username. Admin identity is not created, when admin role is not created (not configured by property 'idm.sec.core.role.admin' or deleted). Admin identity is not created, when other identity with admin role (configured by property 'idm.sec.core.role.admin') exists. Admin identity is created with password with never ending expiration. Admin identity is created with profile with show system informaiton is enabled. Change admin password is recomended after identity is created. 100 no
core core-init-organization-processor Init default organization type 'Organization structure' with one root tree node 'Root organization'. Tree type and node is created, if no other tree type exists. 200 yes
core core-init-demo-data-processor Initialize demo data for application. 3000 has own additional property, see below
core core-init-password-policy-processor Init base password policies for password validate and generate, when no other policy is defined. Validation policy set 30s fogin blocking time with 5 unsuccessful login attempts, minimum 8 char length passwords. Generate policy is configured to generate 8-12 char length passwords with 2 lower, 2 upper, 2 number and 2 special chars. 5000 yes
core core-init-scheduled-task-processor Schedule core long running tasks. 10000 no
acc acc-init-scheduled-task-processor Schedule acc long running tasks. 10100 no
core core-init-monitoring-processor Init monitoring manager and product provided monitoring evaluators. 11000 yes
acc acc-init-monitoring-processor Init product provided monitoring evaluators. 11010 yes
vs vs-init-monitoring-processor Init product provided monitoring evaluators. 11020 yes

Column disableable - processor can be disabled by additional property Each processor can be disabled by standard processor configuration with processor identifier usage.

Processors are registered to event type INIT for main IdM module (app). If you want to register you processor in custom module, then use prepared AbstractInitApplicationProcessor superclass. Processor order is designed to prepare all configurations (e.g. form definitions, password policies) before data is created ⇒ admin role is created at first on 0 order.

All registered processors are available in agenda (Settings - Modules - Processors - for ModuleDescriptorDto entity type).

Product provided roles

Roles to cover basic IdM usecases were designed and provided from product (~person). Product roles are checked, when application is started - they are created for new instalations and updated, when new IdM version is installed, or role definition is changed (e.g. when some required authorization policy has been deleted).

Configured role authorization policies are created or updated after application has started. Additional authorization policies can be configured. Authorization policy can be disabled, if is not needed - policy will be not enabled after application has started.

Role type enumeration is used now for product provided roles. Role type SYSTEM is used for all product provided roles and is checked before update role authorization policies, when new CzechIdM version is installed. Authorization policies updates can be disabled by changing the role type to any other ⇒ role policies will not be updated and vice versa, authorization policies updates for roles created before IdM version 10.5.0 can be enabled (e.g. for user role) by changing the role type to SYSTEM.

Configured authorization policies are updated by complex key - combination of authorizable type and evaluator type.


  • When authorization policy is removed - then is created again after application starts.
  • When authorization policy is changed (permissions or additional configuration properties) - then is updated to product provided configuration again after application starts.
  • When authorization policy is added to product provided role - it's preserved without change. Be careful - different combination of authorizable type and evaluator type can be added only.
  • When authorization policy is disabled, then is updated to product provided configuration again after application starts, but it's still disabled.

Default user role can be changed three ways (best practice):

  • Default user role supports sub roles @since 10.5.0 version - new authorization policies can be configured to new role and role can be defined as sub role,
  • SYSTEM role type of default user role can be removed - when authorization policy has to be removed (~ prevent to update role policies after restart).
  • If product provided role contains authorization policy, which is not needed ⇒ policy can be disabled and is not effective anymore.
Configuration property disable creation and authorization policies updates at all (with other init processors above).

Product provided role codes can be changed by role configuration. When role is configured, but code is empty (empty string as value e.g. idm.sec.core.role.default=), then role will not be created (and used as default role in this example).

Product provided roles:

Person Default role code Description Configuration property to change code Processor
Super admin superAdminRole Application administrator - APPADMIN authority is configured only. | idm.sec.core.role.admin | core-init-admin-role-processor | | Read only admin | readOnlyAdminRole | Application read only administrator - APPREADONLYADMIN authority is configured only. Available from IdM 13.0.14. idm.sec.core.role.readOnlyAdmin core-init-read-only-admin-role-processor
User userRole Default role for all users - authorization policies configuration idm.sec.core.role.default core-init-user-role-processor
Helpdesk helpdeskRole Helpdesk user role - authorization policies configuration idm.sec.core.role.helpdesk core-init-helpdesk-role-processor
User manager userManagerRole User manager - authorization policies configuration idm.sec.core.role.userManager core-init-user-manager-role-processor
Role manager roleManagerRole Role manager - authorization policies configuration idm.sec.core.role.roleManager core-init-role-manager-role-processor
Virtual system implementer virtualSystemImplementerRole Approve requests for virtual system - authorization policies configuration idm.sec.vs.role.implementer vs-init-implementer-role-processor
Delegation delegationRole Default permissions for delegations - authorization policies configuration idm.sec.core.role.delegation core-init-delegation-role-processor

Roles are created by registered processors. Role is not created, when processor is disabled by configuration.

When role environment is used, when configuration properties has to contains environment too e.g. superAdminRole|production

Scheduled tasks

Module Task Parameters Desrciption Schedule
core PasswordExpiredTaskExecutor Send notification for user after password expired and publish PASSWORD_EXPIRED event. 00.05
core SelectCurrentContractSliceTaskExecutor - Recalculate current using slices as contract. Find all slices which should be for actual date using as contract and copy their values to parent contracts. 0.30
core HrEnableContractProcess - Start of contract validity - before end and expire. 0.35
core IdentityRoleValidRequestTaskExecutor - Start of assigned role validity. 0.45
core HrEndContractProcess - End of contract validity - scheduled before default contract expiration (this task works with disabled state too and set identity state by contract state). 0.50
core HrContractExclusionProcess - Exclude contract. 0.55
core IdentityContractExpirationTaskExecutor - Remove roles by expired identity contracts (⇒ removes assigned roles). 1.00
core IdentityRoleExpirationTaskExecutor - Remove expired roles. 1.15
core DeleteExecutedEventTaskExecutor numberOfDays: 3 Delete executed entity events. 2.00
core RemoveOldLogsTaskExecutor removeRecordOlderThan: 90 Delete old logs from event logging tables (events, eventException and eventProperty). 2.05
acc DeleteProvisioningArchiveTaskExecutor numberOfDays: 90, operationState: EXECUTED, emptyProvisioning: true Delete EXECUTED archived provisioning operation. 2.15
core DeleteLongRunningTaskExecutor numberOfDays: 90, operationState: EXECUTED Delete old executed long running tasks. 2.20
core DeleteNotificationTaskExecutor numberOfDays: 180, sentOnly: true Delete old sent notifications. 2.25
acc DeleteSynchronizationLogTaskExecutor numberOfDays: 180 Delete old synchronization logs. 2.35
acc AccountProtectionExpirationTaskExecutor - Removes accounts with expired protection. 2.40
acc RetryProvisioningTaskExecutor - Retry failed operation in provisioning queue. every 5 minutes

Demo data

Demo data is created by registered processor InitDemoDataProcessor (core-init-demo-data-processor in table above). Demo data is created, when configuration property is set and processor is enabled.

Demo data creates: