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CzechIdM 10.5

The main goals of version 10.5.0 were to implement Password filter for AD, improve application initialization data and improve performance by implementing the provisioning context.

Password filter

Password filter is a new feature which enables users to have their passwords propagated to IdM during standard password change procedure (eg. ctrl+alt+del) in MS Windows environment or via MS Active Directory management tools. It consists of two main parts. The first one is the password filter dynamic library used by MS Active Directory which is invoked any time a password change happens. Its task is to query IdM whether the new password meets all password policies or not and consequently notify IdM that the password is supposed to be propagated to all related systems. The second part is the implementation in IdM which supports all necessary features pertaining to the validation of password policies and following password propagation invoked by dynamic library.

Uniform password system

Uniform password always enforces that password will be changed on all systems defined in uniform password system. The combination with password filter is uniform system powerful tool that allow one password trough all connected system in IdM. Uniform password also simplifies password change form for basic CzechIdM users.

You can find more about this feature here.

Application initialization data

Application init data are created (updated), when application is started. Init data contains product provided roles, form definitions, value generators, password policies, codelist, scheduled task etc. to cover basic CzechIdM usage right after application is instaled or updated.


You can find more about this feature CzechIdM 10.5.

Provisioning context

Provisioning context is used to optimize provisioning by allowing you to prepare data earlier than in individual attributes. The purpose is to avoid load the same data in multiple attributes.

An example might be the need to compute a value of an attribute based on identity contracts. In such case it is possible to load this contracts through the relevant service as a part of the transformation into the system. However, a problem can arise if we need these same contracts in the other five attributes. At such moment, it would mean 4 unnecessary loadings of the same contracts.

The solution to this situation is to use provisionig context, which allows you to load contracts only once and distribute them to each attribute.


You can find more about this feature CzechIdM 10.5.

Log in as a different user

User with a special authority can login as different user. The feature is usable for checking application behavior under selected user (e.g. helpdesk). Logged user needs to have the permission SWITCHUSER to select the target user. Feature is available from user main menu in application.


You can find more about this feature CzechIdM 10.5.

💡 New features in this version:

🐞 Defects fixed in this version: