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Expand the introduction

A mechanism for dynamic registry and composing of filters has been developed in the application for searching the data in IdM (identities, roles, tree structure components, etc.). A new filter can be registered for existing REST services in any module. Filter can be used by authoritazation policy evaluator for securing data access.

The filter (FilterBuilder) is registered with the given key (FilterKey):

Evaluating of filters is done by FilterManager, which searches over the domain type during construction:

A filter must implement these methods:

The following ready-made abstract classes can be used for constructing a new filter:

Example filter

This example filter is meant for searching for identities by the username.

import javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder;
import javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery;
import javax.persistence.criteria.Predicate;
import javax.persistence.criteria.Root;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Description;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import eu.bcvsolutions.idm.core.api.dto.filter.IdentityFilter;
import eu.bcvsolutions.idm.core.api.repository.filter.AbstractFilterBuilder;
import eu.bcvsolutions.idm.core.model.entity.IdmIdentity;
import eu.bcvsolutions.idm.core.model.entity.IdmIdentity_;
import eu.bcvsolutions.idm.core.model.repository.IdmIdentityRepository;
@Description("Filter by identity's username")
public class UsernameIdentityFilter extends AbstractFilterBuilder<IdmIdentity, IdentityFilter> {
	public UsernameIdentityFilter(IdmIdentityRepository repository) {
	public String getName() {
		return IdentityFilter.PARAMETER_USERNAME;
	public Predicate getPredicate(Root<IdmIdentity> root, CriteriaQuery<?> query, CriteriaBuilder builder, IdentityFilter filter) {
		if (filter.getUsername() == null) {
			return null;
		return builder.equal(root.get(IdmIdentity_.username), filter.getUsername());

Example filter test

For every filter is highly recommended create also tests for filtering. There is example:

It is possible autowired filter as simple component/service and test behavior only specific filter. See test example.
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import java.util.List;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;
import eu.bcvsolutions.idm.InitTestData;
import eu.bcvsolutions.idm.core.api.dto.IdmIdentityDto;
import eu.bcvsolutions.idm.core.api.dto.filter.IdmIdentityFilter;
import eu.bcvsolutions.idm.core.model.entity.IdmIdentity;
import eu.bcvsolutions.idm.test.api.AbstractIntegrationTest;
public class UsernameIdentityFilterTest extends AbstractIntegrationTest {
	private UsernameIdentityFilter usernameIdentityFilter;
	public void testFilteringFound() {
		String username = getHelper().createName();
		IdmIdentityDto identityOne = getHelper().createIdentity(username);
		IdmIdentityDto identityTwo = getHelper().createIdentity(getHelper().createName() + username + getHelper().createName());
		IdmIdentityDto identityThree = getHelper().createIdentity(getHelper().createName() + username + getHelper().createName());
		IdmIdentityFilter filter = new IdmIdentityFilter();
		List<IdmIdentity> identities = usernameIdentityFilter.find(filter, null).getContent();
		assertEquals(3, identities.size());
		IdmIdentity identity = -> ident.getId().equals(identityOne.getId())).findFirst().get();
		identity = -> ident.getId().equals(identityTwo.getId())).findFirst().get();
		identity = -> ident.getId().equals(identityThree.getId())).findFirst().get();
	public void testFilteringNotFound() {
		String username = "usernameValue" + System.currentTimeMillis();
		getHelper().createIdentity("123" + username + getHelper().createName());
		getHelper().createIdentity(getHelper().createName() + username + getHelper().createName());
		IdmIdentityFilter filter = new IdmIdentityFilter();
		filter.setUsername("username1Value"); // value is different than variable username
		List<IdmIdentity> identities = usernameIdentityFilter.find(filter, null).getContent();
		assertEquals(0, identities.size());

Filter configuration

Filters are configurable thanks to interface Configurable via the standard application configuration.

There can be more filters with the same key ⇒ the one that is going to be used can be chosen via configuration item impl. Any module can be registered in this way and also the behaviour of the existing filters, which are implemented via interface FilterBuilder, can be changed. When filter override some existing filter, then default filter's module has to be used in configuration property.
Filter can be disabled - when filter is disabled and property is filled in filter (see getName method), then disjunction criteria is added ⇒ no data will be returned.

Implemented filters


A generic filter for finding any entity (child of AbstractEntity) by its uuid (parameter in the filter - id).


Finding any entity by its username (parameter in the filter - username).


Finding managers of the entity by the IR, tree structures and set guarantees. The manager is the identity which has its IR on an organizational structure component superordinate to a structure component of the subordinate's IR. The manager (guarantee) can also be configured directly to the IR.

Filter parameters


## identity filters
## managers by standard tree structure (manager will be found by contract on parent node)


Finding subordinates of the entity by the IR, tree structures and set guarantees. The subordinate is the identity which has its IR on an organizational structure component subordinate to a structure component of the manager's IR. The guarantee can also be configured directly to the IR.

Filter parameters


## identity filters
## subordinates by standard tree structure (manager will be found by contract on parent node)
Use DefaultContractByManagerFilter for overiding in custom module.


@since 9.7.0

Finding subordinate contracts of the manager by the IR, tree structures and set guarantees. The subordinate contract is the contract which has its IR on an organizational structure component subordinate to a structure component of the manager's IR. The guarantee can also be configured directly to the IR.

Filter parameters


## identity contract filters
## subordinate contracts by standard tree structure (manager will be found by contract on parent node)


Finding managers of the entity by the set guarantees. The manager (guarantee) has to be configured directly to the IR.

Filter parameters


## identity filters


Finding subordinates by directly configured managers to the IR.

Filter parameters


## identity filters
Use ContractByGuaranteeFilter for overriding in your custom module


@since 9.7.0

Finding subordinate contracts by directly configured managers to the IR.

Filter parameters


## identity contract filters


The second option for finding managers in the same way as DefaultSubordinatesFilter with a difference that the superordinate component is not being searched for by tree structure but by the value of an extended (eav) tree component parameter - a code of a different component is stated in the tree component, where there are managers (having IR on the given component) defined.

## identity filters
## managers by relation in eav attribute (manager will be found by code in eav on parent node)
# extended form definition code
# extended attribute code - value contains superior node code
# extended attribute persistent type, 'shortTextValue' is prefered (indexed column by default), but 'stringValue' is used as default for compatibility reasons


Deprecated since 9.7.0. Use new EavCodeContractByManagerFilter filter for override filter behavior.

The second option for finding subordinates in the same way as DefaultManagersFilter with a difference that the superordinate component is not being searched for by tree structure but by the value of an extended (eav) tree component parameter - a code of a different component is stated in the tree component, where there are managers (having IR on the given component) defined. Otherwise the functions and parameters are identical.

## identity filters
## subordinates by relation in eav attribute (subordinates will be found by code in eav on parent node)
# extended form definition code
# extended attribute code - value contains superior node code
# extended attribute persistent type, 'shortTextValue' is prefered (indexed column by default), but 'stringValue' is used as default for compatibility reasons


The second option for finding subordinate contracts in the same way as DefaultContractByManagerFilter with a difference that the superordinate component is not being searched for by tree structure but by the value of an extended (eav) tree component parameter - a code of a different component is stated in the tree component, where there are managers (having IR on the given component) defined. Otherwise the functions and parameters are identical.

## identity contract filters
## subordinate contracts by relation in eav attribute (subordinate contracts will be found by code in eav on parent node)
# extended form definition code
# extended attribute code - value contains superior node code
# extended attribute persistent type, 'shortTextValue' is prefered (indexed column by default), but 'stringValue' is used as default for compatibility reasons

Filter agenda

Agenda of registered filter builders is available from menu Setting→ Modules → Filters.

Supported features:

Even filter from disabled module can be set as active ⇒ when module is disabled, then we don't want to filters be broken (respectively no data was returned, when some disabled filter is used, see DisabledFilterBuilder), then check module is disabled is ignored for filter builders.