
Synchronization supports two basic modes of searching the accounts suitable for synchronization.

The first mode employs a synchronization mechanism provided directly by the selected connector.

In this case, its method is called on the connector after synchronization.

The input of this method is the token defining where the synchronization should continue. In this case, the format of the token is defined directly by the connector (it can be a time mark, the order, …) If the token is empty, then synchronization is launched for all the accounts of the system.

The disadvantage of the connector-driven synchronization is the impossibility to determine in detail which of the accounts you want to synchronize (put together more complicated queries). On the contrary, the advantage is the possibility to use the operation DELETE. I.e. the situation in which the connector alone is able to report what accounts have been deleted.

In case of use of the internal synchronization in Database Table Connector (connId), it is necessary to set up a column in its configuration, according to which the search will be made (Change Log Column (Sync)). However, if you then wish to synchronize using the custom filter (according to the same column), the filter will not work (nothing is returned). In which case, it is necessary to remove the settings from the configuration!

The second way is the Custom filter. This mode will first compose the filter criterion. This criterion is used to search account on the end system. The synchronization takes places on top of these results.

This mode can be activated (Use custom filter) and set on the Filter folder. The custom filter can be simply defined by choosing the attribute (Filter by attribute) by which you want to search, and the corresponding operation (Filtering operation).

To save the final token, it is necessary to determine the account attribute which contains it. To do this, you may use the item Token is contained in this attribute.