
The system in CzechIdM defines the behavior towards the connected end system.

The system allows:

  • Define configuration and connection end system (via connector).
  • Create / Generate a scheme of end system.
  • Create mapping for provisioning and sync .
  • Create mapping attributes. These allow you to define the behavior of the attributes (and their values) towards the end system and towards the IDM.
  • Create and start synchronization configurations.
  • Manage queue and archive provisioning .

The system in CzechIdM can be duplicated. The duplicate contains all the system configuration:

  • Configuration of the system connection, including secret values.
  • System scheme.
  • Mapping system.
  • Mapped attributes.
  • Synchronization configuration.
The system name must be unique, so a unique name is generated when duplicating. For example, if you duplicate a system named LDAP, then the resulting system will be Copy-of-LDAP. If this system already exists, then the number postfix will be added (Copy-of-LDAP1) and etc.
A newly created duplicate is always set as an inactive system. Likewise, all possible sync settings are set to inactive too.

In previous version IdM (>7.6.0) is possible that confidetial storage stores password for remote connector server for system that doesn't exists. If have some problem with stored passwords you can this values remove by database query. From version 7.6.0 is all values from confidential storage after remove system deleted.