
Modules - User registration [reg]

The Reg module serves as a registration point for new users to access CzechIdM. To become a registered user, one has to go through several validation steps before he can log in to CzechIdM. Validation steps are configurable in CzechIdM. Once enabled, this module adds a new GUI form available via CzechIdM login page and manages the entire registration process:

 Registration process

Obtaining set of registration attributes

When user tries to access registration form, registration module needs to determine which attributes (or form fields) should be displayed in said form for user to fill out. These attributes are determined by reg form definition and attributes defined in it. The mechanism is same as standard EAV forms.

Registration module allows to specify set of attributes, which will be used for identity search, when looking up the identity (in ACTIVATION mode), or determining, whether the identity exists or not (in REGISTRATION mode). These attributes should be configured in idm.pub.reg.attributes.identifier as a comma separated list of attribute codes. Attributes, defined as identifiers, must meet these requirements

  • Attribute with the same code must be defined in reg form definition
  • Attribute must be either identity attribute, or EAV attribute in default form definition for IdMIdentity
  • If EAV attribute is used, then it must be of SHORTTEXT type, otherwise search will not work as intended.
  • Attributes in default IdMIdentity form definition : birthNumber, address
  • Attributes in reg IdMIdentity form definition: username, email, firstName, lastName, birthNumber
  • idm.pub.reg.attributes.identifier=username,email,birthNumber

These settings will display attributes username, email, firstName, lastName, birthNumber in registration form. Attributes username,email and birthNumber will then be used to determine, whether the identity with these attributes exists in IdM, or not. Attributes username and email will be compared with corresponding identity attributes and attribute birthNumber is compared with the values of the attribute with the same code in default IdmIdentity form definition.

Validation of registration attributes has two steps: basic fields validation and password validation. In the first phase, module checks, if all required attributes are filled. (Attribute is required if it has required field checked in its configuration in reg form definition, or if its defined as identifier attribute). After that, password is checked against default validation policy.

Registration module supports various login generators. Name of the login generator can be configured in property idm.pub.reg.loginGenerator. This property should contain full className of login generator, which we want to use. This class must implement eu.bcvsolutions.idm.reg.login.LoginGenerator interface.

Basic login generator is the only login generator shipped with registration module. It uses last name + first character or first name. If that is taken, appends a number.

The following configuration shows how to configure BasicLoginGenerator (which is shipped with registration module) as a login generator.

  • idm.pub.reg.loginGenerator=eu.bcvsolutions.idm.reg.login.BasicLoginGenerator

The registration module supports three registration modes - REGISTRATION, ACTIVATION and HYBRID. The main difference between these modes is how they handle identity creation. This is visualized in the activity diagram above.

The registration mode is set using idm.sec.reg.activationMode. This property can contain one of the following three values: REGISTRATION, ACTIVATION, HYBRID.

In order to understand how the registration module works, we need to explain how and when the fields from registration form are set to identity. Right after the validation of the registration form, all fields are set to reg EAV form. At this point, you can see all the attributes that the given user filled in the registration form. After registration approval, all attributes are copied from the reg form to identity attributes, or the default form definition for IdMIdentity.

By default, a confirmation is required for every user who registers. Registration approval process is displayed on the image bellow

After approving, the registration process continues with finalization of identity (setting up state and adding roles). In case of denial of registration, created identity is deleted and process ends. You can turn off registration approval by disabling RegApproveProcessor.


Property Possible values Description
idm.sec.reg.defaultRoles Comma separated list of role codes Setting up this property enables adding roles after registration confirmation. If this property is not set, no roles will be added when user registration is approved
idm.sec.reg.passwordPolicy Name of one of the validation password policies Setting this property changes password policy, which will be used when validating password. If this property is not set, default validation policy is used instead. If property is set and no policy for that name is found, then exception is thrown
idm.sec.reg.identityStateAfterConfirmation CREATED, NO_CONTRACT, FUTURE_CONTRACT, VALID, PASSWORD_EXPIRED, LEFT, DISABLED, DISABLED_MANUALLY This property contains value of state, which will be set to identity after registration approval. Note that this could get overwritten by HR processes.
idm.reg.sec.confirmationTtlSec Positive integer number Sets duration for how long is confirmation token valid (in seconds)
idm.pub.reg.loginGenerator Full class name Contains class name of login generator, which should be used for generating of login. If this property is not set, then generating of logins will not be enabled and not entering username in registration form will result in error.
idm.sec.reg.defaultOrgId UUID Contains identifier of treeNode, which will be set as work position for registered users contract.
idm.sec.reg.defaultAuthorizer Username Username for user, which should be used as a default guarantee for registered users contract.
idm.pub.reg.passwordInputEnabled true/false Turns password validation on and off
idm.pub.reg.termsEnabled true/false Not required anymore
idm.pub.reg.terms.url URL String Not required anymore
idm.pub.reg.note.enabled true/false Not required anymore
idm.pub.reg.note.required true/false Not required anymore
idm.pub.reg.attributes.password.attr String Name of reg eav attribute used to store password. This must be set, otherwise users would not be able to log in.
idm.sec.reg.defaultAttributeType CHAR, SHORTTEXT, TEXT, INT, LONG, DOUBLE, BOOLEAN, DATE, DATETIME, BYTEARRAY, UUID Type of EAV used to build query to search identities. Only SHORTTEXT is supported now.
idm.pub.reg.attributes.identifier Comma separated list of EAV codes List of attributes used for identity searches.
idm.sec.reg.activationMode REGISTRATION, ACTIVATION, HYBRID Sets mode for identity registration

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