
9.2 - Morganite

Version Morganite brings the Generators of values and many of small improvements and fixies (all important changes are in the changelog).

The basic function of generators in CzechIdM is to generate values for a specific attribute. A typical example is generating a username or email. CzechIdM contains a set of standard generators, which can be further expanded by other generators to address the specific needs of the project.

Email generator

Username generator

More about this feature you can find here.

  • #1259 - Generate values during create entity
  • #1287 - Generate password with prefixes
  • #1193 - Redesign displaying messages for password policies
  • #1258 - Add to notification configuration disable option
  • #1267 - Support save EAV with Entity
  • #1266 - Add filter by date to VS requests and requests in audit agendas
  • #1261 - Supports AbstractDto as entity type in processors
  • #1271 - Allow redirect/copy notification
  • #1284 - Add support for bulk actions on the system agenda
  • #1158 - Long running task: use form definition for configuration
  • #1281 - Websocket notifications - remove support.
  • #1292 - Virtual systems - create default role + mapping and sync
  • #1286 - Import entities to system
  • #1272 - Eav attribute - default value as placeholder
  • #1234 - DataTimePicker validation base on isValidDate attribute
  • #1288 - Make IdmTreeTypeService script enabled
  • #1254 - Filter "date from" in provisioning log doesn't show records shortly after midnight
  • #1255 - Form Definitions - cannot set as main definition
  • #1263 - Automatic role by attribute "workPosition" doesn't work
  • #1224 - Change message in bulk action remove role