
Exchange connector

This connector is developed for managing Exchange permission management for shared emails nad folders via Exchange Online PowerShell module.

Connector is based on WinRM + AD Connector.

Has same requirements as WinRM + AD Connector.

Plus requires:


Connector generates foloing schema:

  • <nowiki>ACCOUNT</nowiki>
    • <nowiki>UID</nowiki>
    • <nowiki>NAME</nowiki>
    • memberOf
  • <nowiki>SHAREDEMAIL</nowiki> * <nowiki>UID</nowiki> * <nowiki>NAME_</nowiki> * description ===== Permissions ===== Microsoft Graph * <font 11pt/inherit;;#00000a;;inherit>User.ReadWrite.All</font> Microsoft Exchange * Exchange.ManageAsApp ===== Configuration ===== ==== Script Configuration ==== === Update script === Path to Python update script for user === Powershell update script === Path to powershell update script for user, which will be loaded into python and executed on Windows === Get Latest SyncToken script === Path to Python script to get latest SyncToken === Powershell Get Latest SyncToken script === Path to powershell script to get latest SyncToken, which will be loaded into python and executed on Windows === Search user script === Path to Python search user script === Search site script === Path to Python search site script === Powershell search user script === Path to powershell search script for user, which will be loaded into python and executed on Windows === Powershell search site script === Path to powershell search script for site, which will be loaded into python and executed on Windows === Test script === Path to Python script for test ==== WinRM Configuration ==== === Endpoint === URLto the endpoint, where is WinRM accessible. Usually https://HOST:5986/wsman for HTTPS and http://HOST:5985/wsman for HTTP === Authentication schema === One from supported values - basic, ntlm, kerberos, credssp === User === Username for user which will be used for authentication to WinRM === Password === Password for this user === CA trust path === Path to certificate which will be used in HTTPS communication. E.g /path/to/file/crt.pem === Ignore CA validation === If you want to connect to WinRM without CA validation - Don't use in production, only for testing! ==== Exchange Configuration ==== === AppId === AppId for exchange === CertificateThumbprint === CertificateThumbprint for exchange === CertificatePath === Path to certificate on WinRm server. === CertificatePassword === Password for certificate === Organization === Organization for exchange