
Notify about identity changes caused by synchronization

This task sends notification about identity changes to interested recipients. It monitors changes caused by synchronization on selected systems and compiles them to single report, which is then sent to interested identites.

Changes that are being monitored are:

  • Changed identity attributes (first name, email, phone, …)
  • Change identity EAV attributes
  • Changed identity contract attributes (position, valid from, …)
  • Changed identity contract EAV attributes

Notification is then sent to:

  • Manager of each identity
  • Additional recipients returned by script


To configure this feature go to: Settings → Task scheduler → Scheduled tasks and click Add. In the popup then click on "Notifications of identity changes due to synchronization of any connected systems."

  • Systems is mandatory argument which specifies at least one system, whose synchronizations will be taken into account when determining changes to notify users about.
  • Script for obtaining additional recipients is optional argument, which is used to get additional recipients for each notification. Script takes one argument "identity" and should produce non-null list of UUID

    Topic and template

Notification is sent to topic extras:syncChangedAttributes and no level is specified, so do not limit Level in your configuration.

Module extras contains example template extrasSyncChanges which can be used to display computed changes.