
Send custom notification to identities

This feature was added in extras 4.5.0.

Task uses script for search identities using pageable filter.

First task finds users by script, for every identity sends notification to defined topic.

Notification is implemented as long running task. You must go to Settings → Task scheduler → Scheduled tasks and in the agenda just plan new long running task with name send-notification-to-identities-by-script (SendNotificationToIdentitiesByScript).

  • Script with code extrasFindIdentitiesForNotification is provided as example, script finds identities with specified roles that were assigned before more than 4 hours. You have to fill some role Ids in the code of script.
  • Simple notification template IdentityNotification is provided as template for topic.
  • IdmIdentityDto and List of all IdmIdentityContracts are sent into notification.

The long running task has these configurations:

  • script - Any script which return List of IdmIdentityDtos using pageable in filter.
  • topic - Notification topic (any value)