
In status notification there are information about state of processes in CzechIdM. In CzechIdM there are asynchronous processes on many places. Advantage is that users do not have to wait for events, which are executed on the background. But on the other side users does not know the result of processes. This notification contains state of some vital agendas.

  1. First of all there is provisioning status. This status is importatnt because of end systems. If some entity will be provisioned to end system and this process ends with failure, every other continuous provisioning to this system will be added to an queue. So it is important know, that some identity has not have failed provisioning and it's attributes are updated in end system.
  2. Some scheduled tasks are not that important, but all of them has its purpose, so it is better if all of them did their job. Scheduled tasks are used as synchroinzation of data from HR or recalculation of states of identities (throught the night) or for sending email like this notification.
  3. Events basically means asynchronous save process. In IdM almost every entity has asynchronnous save. So if during save process there is some failure, it means some data has been lost. So if someone or synchronization edited an entity and it failed, notification will tell you, you should check this agenda.
  4. In synchronization status part there is list of failed synchronizations by system. It only write if there is some failures and not how many. It could be for example mistake or incomplete HR data or some mistake in workflow.
  5. In the last part there is list of users, whoose state has been changed. So it is kind of a report. It will show you who of the employees has left, who is new employee and changes of exclusion.

New feature was added, which check amount of events in created state. This was added, because even if synchronizations, which are done during the night, are successfuly ended, it does not mean, that all information or data are already ready in IdM. There can be many of events, which can be waiting to be processed. Another new feature is check duration of synchronization. Increasing duration of processing synchronization could happen, because of some reasons like more and more data to be rekoncilled or so. And this will give you warning if it'll too long, so it maybe would not be done till morning. So in this situation you are warned and you can respond quite on time. The last one of is a little same as previous feature. It will check all running long running tasks and if some of them is running for a long time it will give a warning. This will prevent of never ending lrt.

Example of notification: