
The main importance of wizards is to simplify the work of the user, so as to avoid complicated entering values and possibly to avoid common mistakes. System wizards are used primarily to create a new system connected to a given external system. The first step is to select the connector you want to use for the connection.

Another specialized wizard is used to connect database tables. Previously, the user had to configure the attributes that are charged to the database. For example, the name of the database driver, the mask for the composition of the resulting URL, etc. Now the user is exempt from this and the wizard does this for him. Currently, three wizards are available for connecting database tables for PostgresSql, MS SQL server and MySQL. The wizard for the given database type is displayed only if the given IdM installation has the necessary database driver available.

The wizard for MS-SQL database has a different first step from the others, where you can also fill in the domain, instance name and choose the authentication type:

  • SQL Server Authentication - This is a basic login using a user and password (same as other JDBC databases).
  • Windows authentication - This is a special mode where the currently logged in Windows user is used as the user. Therefore, it is not necessary/possible to enter a user and password in the wizard. It is also possible to enable authentication using the NTLM protocol and skip the server certificate check.
For "Windows authentication" you need to install the appropriate DDL library. For example, load 'mssql-jdbc_auth-9.2.1.x64.dll' into ../Windows/System32/'