

The application is divided into 2 technological lines: backend (java) and frontend (javascript). There is a REST interface between the two.

The minimal executable application always contains the app + core modules.

Contains services, managers, components and individual core pages. More in modularity and in the next chapter with layers.

= Application, executable application. Connects modules with environment configuration.

TODO: Introduction

Installation/ module update is done by copying the module into the application libraries <idm.war>/WEB-INF/lib. Modules can also be included directly in the project dependencies (pom.xml modul app).

You can see a list of all installed modules and their status (enabled/disabled) in the Modules agenda in the Settings.

Modules can be enabled/disabled by setting idm.pub.<identificator_ofmodule>.enabled as true, or false.

Each module can contain its own set of database scripts, which are applied to the application database scheme at the start of the application (in the phase after initializing the data connection, or rather after initializing the hibernate context) ⇒ the modules are automatically initializing and updating the database scheme themselves.

The example module was created for module demonstration and, at the same time, as a template (skeleton) for creating a module with pre-filled configurations.